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ITSM 2018.1 Release Notes

Here you will find the various new features and customer requests we have included in this release.

Receive notifications option

Not everybody has the desire to be notified about the progress or assignment of calls. Just like a newsletter you will have the ability to not receive notifications anymore. Go to the related person on the more details tab and uncheck the checkbox called "receive notifications". The logic applies to almost all recipients configured in the support call notification detail form.
It does not apply when you enter an e-mail address in the To:, Cc: or Bcc: as we believe this will make it more flexible.


The notification will check the more details on the supportcall where it sets the e-mail address of the context. It will do a lookup of that address in the persons table. If it finds a match it will check the related persons preference, if it does not find a match it will always notify.

Automatically remove on hold

When customers or colleagues respond to an e-mail (which will be processed by the support call retriever) or add an event using the portal it will be able to automatically remove the on hold state.


We added a module option called PortalAddEventRemoveOnHold for the portal which has the following four options;

OptionName Description
Never it will never remove a support call from on hold.
Always it will always remove a support call from on hold.
External users it will only remove the support call from on hold when the e-mail address is related to the person that has either the portal regular user or portal key user.
Internal users it will only remove the support call on hold when the e-mail address related to the person has a role that can be used to log on to the client e.g. service management, call management and administrator roles.


We added a separate option in the support call retriever called Remove on Hold with the following four options;

OptionName Description
Never it will never remove a support call from on hold.
Always it will always remove a support call from on hold.
External users it will only remove the support call from on hold when the e-mail address is related to the person that has either the portal regular user, portal key user or no application role at all.
Internal users it will only remove the support call on hold when the e-mail address related to the person has a role that can be used to log on to the client e.g. service management, call management and administrator roles.


The following tags were added

Tagname Description
[FIRSTEVENTTYPE] First event type (ignoring external visible setting).
[FIRSTEVENTTYPEEXT] First event type which is externally visible.
[FIRSTEVENTTYPEINT] First event type which is not externally visible.
[LASTEVENTTYPE] Last event type (ignoring external visible setting).
[LASTEVENTTYPEEXT] Last event type which is externally visible.
[LASTEVENTTYPEINT] Last event type which is not externally visible.
[PERSONRELATIONNUMBER] Relation number which can be found on the person detail form.
[GROUPRELATIONNUMBER] Relation number which can be found on the group detail form.
[ORGANIZATIONRELATIONNUMBER] Relation number which can be found on the organization detail form.

The following tags have been added, however will work only with an e-mail template. This is because of the way the tags are retrieved and events are saved.

Tagname Description
[PREVIOUSEVENTNOTES] The event notes of the previous event (ignoring external visible setting).
[PREVIOUSEVENTNOTESEXT] The event notes of the previous event which is externally visible.
[PREVIOUSEVENTNOTESINT] The event notes of the previous event which is not externally visible.
[PREVIOUSEVENTSUMMARY] (ignoring external visible setting)
[PREVIOUSEVENTSUMMARYEXT] The event summary of the previous event which is externally visible.
[PREVIOUSEVENTSUMMARYINT] The event summary of the previous event which is not externally visible.

Support Call import manager

We updated the import manager with a duedatebyplanning import field to enable the customer to set a specific duedate for supportcalls, either by default setting or import mapping.

Billable added to Find Support Call Form

The billable field has been added as a criteria in the support call find form.

support call activity tab supports drag and drop ordering

Before ITSM 2018.1 it was not possible to change the order of the columns in the activities grid within supportcalls. We added this possiblity so you can drag and drop the columns in the order you prefer. Please take into account that not all grids will support this functionality.

Portal Supportcall add event location

When a supportcall has a lot of events you have to scroll all the way down to add an event. We added a second similar add event button at the top of the events so you no longer have to scroll all the way down to be able to add an event.

Portal row count editable

The number of rows which are returned by the server had a default value of 15 which the end user was unable to change. As from the ITSM 2018.1 release we added a moduleoption called PortalMaximumAmountOfRowsPerPage so users will have the ability to change the number of returned records.

Attachments in notification

You will be able to add attachments to a support call notification detail form. For now it is not yet possible to dynamically add attachments to a Support Call notifications, only statically added attachments are supported now.

Attachments in service catalog request

You will now have the ability to add attachments to your service request, using the service catalog. Be aware that this is only possible on the main request and not on any child requests in the service definition.

My Support Call Find form

The ability to use queues, as a criterion, in the find form, before this was greyed out.