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ITSM 2018.1 Mproof cloud authentication

As active directory/windows users are not easy to manage in a SaaS environment for our customers, we decided to extend the Mproof Cloud Authentication to our Clientele ITSM SaaS users as well. At first we used the cloud authentication solely for service hub but the ease of use convinced us to extend its functionality to Clientele ITSM as well.

Windows authentication

Please be aware that even though you can still use the classic windows login, this will be disabled in the future.

New login form

When customers are using the Mproof cloud authentication they will be presented a new login form (when starting the client). For a short introduction to the new login form, click here.

The new login form is displayed below.


You can always change back to the classic login by pressing the related link in the bottom left of the login screen.

Alternative text.

You may have noticed the social login section, for more information about how to connect your social provider to your mproof cloud authentication user follow this link.


Not all social login providers might be available to you depending on the customers preferences.

Creating a new user

In this section we will explain to you how you can create a new user which can authenticate using mproof cloud authentication.

Creating the user

You will be needing an administrator user (user with an administrator role in Clientele ITSM) which has been authorised to create users for usage with the mproof cloud authentication. The administrator user needs to log in with that user and can not log in with a windows user to manage these users.

Once logged in go to Admin>Security>Users and press the Add button located on the bottom left of the find users form.


Notice the additional find criteria in the form and grid called email and sh user.

Adding a new user is not very different compared to adding a windows user or forms user. The only difference though is that you first have to assign a role to the user before you can continue adding the user's username and e-mail information. You can do this in the section called Mproof cloud Authentication.


This section will remain readonly as long as you do not have a role assigned to the user.

As soon as you add a role and enter the username and e-mail address the related person's email address will be updated if that e-mail address is still empty or a question is presented asking you if you want to overwrite the related persons e-mail address.

After pressing apply an activation e-mail will be sent to the user.

After pressing activate the user will be redirected to a page to be able to activate that account and login using these credentials.


These credentials can be used to log on to the Clientele ITSM Client and Service Hub only, it can not be used in the ITSM Portal.

Updating the user

When you need to alter the email address or the username a new activation e-mail will be send to make sure that the correct user will be able to use the account. As long as that new email address or username is not confirmed the user will not be able to login.

Deleting the user

Deleting the user will cause the link to be removed to the user and that user will no longer be able to log in using the Mproof cloud authentication method.